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Bird Control
Most of the calls received are in regards to Bird Control and Bird Removal throughout Texas including Austin, Dallas, Midland, Corpus Christi and the surrounding areas. Controlling birds can be very time-consuming and is a difficult task. If the problem is not handled properly, it can lead to other problems that will need to be fixed before the birds are completely eliminated. The most common problems that Wildlife Companies encounter when dealing with birds are birds in vents, birds in soffits that overhang on the roof, and birds in attics.
Bird Issues
There are numerous problems associated with having birds invade your home or property. Birds can carry both lice and mites; your home can easily become infested with these insects due to the direct access from the vents to your living areas. Many customers complain about seeing bugs falling from their bathroom and laundry vents.
Ventilation problems typically arise when a bird has made its way into your vents. With the amount of nesting material birds use to build their nests, it usually clogs the vent allowing no airflow through the vent. This can become a big issue if the bird has decided to build its nest in a gas vent or another vent that is critical to the operation of your home or business.
Bird in Vent
Birds will attempt to get into get into vents usually in the later part of March where you will hear scratching in the vents of your house. The reason a bird will make its way into a vent is because it is looking for a place for the female bird to complete its nesting cycle. If the nesting cycle is successful the first time, the bird should only be in the vent for about 8 weeks. During this time she will lay eggs, nurse the eggs, and hatch them. During the time after the eggs have hatched, the mother will become increasingly during the 40-50 times a day that she will bring back food to the nest for her young. If this Cycle is not successful, the female bird will lay another group of eggs and the cycle will start all over again. If this happens, the noisy nuisance could be there for up to 4 months.
If you suspect that you have a bird in your vent or in the soffit of your property, call and have one of our highly trained Wildlife Technicians inspect the issue.