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Bat Control
The need for bat control the state of Texas is a very common occurrence and a service that is requested from office virtually every day. bats are one of the most environmentally beneficial animals on the planet and great care should be taken when attempting to remove or relocate a bat colony from a home or building. since these animals are so environmentally delicate a professional wildlife removal company should be utilized to perform this delicate task
The Damage Bats Cause
The damage bats calls is basically twofold a bat colony will move into a building and could possibly contaminate the insulation in that building in as little as three days. There are many health concerns with bats and their presence is rabies and Histoplasmosis are just two of the diseases that are associated with the presence of bats.
The correct bat removal process
The correct bat removal process involves a highly trained wildlife removal company that specializes in exclusion which is a specially that removal process. A bat exclusion is performed when the entire building is sealed from all angles and all entry points leaving only one way for the best to exit the building. Once all the bats have exited the building and all entry points are sealed the bats cannot regain entry into the structure this is achieved or with a piece of equipment called a exclusion tube which is often made of a very slippery substance in which a bat cannot grab with its feet. Once the wildlife control company verifies that all bats have been removed from the structure the end and only then can the cleanup process commence. It is very critical that this process gets done in that systematic manner for all the hard work to do the insulation removal and want to removal will be for not. You can contact us to do a bat inspection for you by calling the number listed on the page above.